Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I have spent the past 12 weeks trying to figure out how I wanted to start my first blog page. I didn’t want to be just some girl just talking about what ever crap is going on in the world or fashion and just voicing her opinion because I think there are enough of those.
No I want mine to be about something special - on a more personal level with topics about:
The future
Hopes & dreams
And FUN…Lots and Lots of Fun!!!!!
Mostly fun cause what is the point of life without having some fun along the way.

SO with said here is a little something about your friendly neighborhood blogger:

I am a Latina woman who has seen her share of shit let me tell you. I have been engaged and separated I am single mother who use to raise her child pretty much alone because her father and I were always on the out. I felt lost and alone. I was looking for answers about life and love. Questioning life and all that was dealt to me…

Now I am brushing myself off and moving on and in the process I want to try and take as many people with me as possible.

So lets start with loss…my loss and why and how I stated my company and this blog…

In September 2008 I loss the greatest woman in my grandmother. The wisest, sweetest kindest woman I will ever know. She had a heart so big she was almost saintly. I was devastated my-heart was broken. My soul had a hug whole in it. But I had to push past it I had to find the strength with in me to comfort and be there for my daughter who at the time was 10 and very much understood what was going on. To this day she still asks questions and talks about her& when she does my heart breaks alittle

In October 2008 I was let go from my part time job that I loved working for the past 2 years. All though it was part time I went way beyond and gave more than part time services because I was dedicated. She called me on the phone one afternoon to tell me that company wasn’t doing so good and that she was closing it. Now she didn’t treat me like an employee she treated me like a friend I went to her wedding. She been to my home. We’ve even hung out together. I treated her company as if it were my baby I brought her clients and money created new party packages. Come to find out a few week later she never sold her company she just lied to me because she wasn’t woman enough to fire me or tell me if she had a problem with me or anything. She used me.
I believe what hurt and bothered me the most was the fact that she treated me like a friend and equal and then dismissed me as if I where a peasant. After I help to make her small company a profit. She let me go a month after my grandmother passed and she lied to me as well.
I felt betrayed. I was lost & depressed. I cried and those that know me well…know I am not a crier.
I didn’t know what to do with myself I was lost…and the woman I usually went to when I felt that was no longer here with me.
But I soon realized that it was her company that missed. It was the work.
It wasn’t just the fact that missed my grandmother…my soul ached to the fact that my life was going to go on without her.
And realizing that made my eyes open. I was awake and alive and I began to think about what my grandmother would want me to do. And I know sure as shit wouldn’t be to just lay down and take this betrayal she would want me to fight and show what my ex boss was missing.


It can grab a hold of you and shake you right to your core…it can knock you off balance and bring you to place you never planned in a million years you would be at. It can leave with so much pain & confusion that you may even question life.
But the one thing that we always seem to forget is that with every loss we there will be happiness just around the corner we have just go after it.
Death brings life
Divorce brings on a new chapter in your life
Loss of a job can bring opportunities
But one of the most important thing you have to do is address your feeling…how you feel is very important to you the best you can be. (Go Army LOL)

With Death get in touch with your true emotions. There is more to death then just sadness. There loneliness and anger. Its ok to be angry to that they are gone and its ok to feel lonely but then you have to find a way to get around it
With divorce confront your feelings head on it will be the best way to begin moving on and forward. Get pissed off…feel betrayed. Be keep the back of your mind that is this terrible thing didn’t happen what ever wonderful thing that is waiting for you would happen. You have no idea what the future has is story for you. ;)
With a job don’t let anger cloud your judgment plan and take you brilliance to some one who will appreciate you and your ideas and talents. (maybe event there competitor LOL)
In tarot card the Death Card most people always assume that the death card is bad but in reality it isn’t…the meaning behind it is: this in a flux & must change so that new life can spring from old forms…time to overcome old habit’s make a clean break with the past.
I love me and I love the world and all it has to offer in these times when are all questioning everything I want to be able to bring a little bit bet of care free

“They that God only gives us what we can handle”
But I think sometime he gives us way to much credit LOL

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